Sliding bearings – Bushings

Large selection of slide bearings / bushings.

VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<250 N/mm²
Dyn bel<140 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<2,5 m/sek
Friction coeff0,8%
Temperature-200 to +280ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<250 N/mm²
Dyn load<140 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<2,5 m/sek
Friction coeff0,8%
Temperature-200 to +280ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<120 N/mm²
Dyn load<40 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<2,5 m/sek
Friction coeff0,7% lubricated
Temperature-40 to +250ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange
Stat load<90 N/mm²
Dyn load<25 N/mm²
Sliding velocity3 m/sek
Friction coeff0,7% lubricated
Temperature-100 to +225ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange
Stat load<50 N/mm²
Dyn load<10 N/mm²
Sliding velocity5 m/sek
Friction coeff0,7%
Temperature-60 to +90ᴼC
Stat load<350 N/mm²
Dyn load<200 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<1 m/sek
Friction coeff0,8%
Temperature-200 to +350ᴼC
Rec shaft hard.55HRC
Stat load<350 N/mm²
Dyn load<200 N/mm²
Sliding velocity0,8 m/sek
Friction coeff0,7%
Temperature-100 to +250ᴼC
Rec shaft hard.55HRC
VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<80 N/mm²
Dyn load<40 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<1 m/sek
Moist. absorption<1-2% weight
Friction coeff<1%
Temperature-40 / +130ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<90 N/mm²
Dyn load<40 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<1 m/sek
Moist. absorption<1-2%
Friction coeff<1%
Temperature-40 / +100ᴼC
VersionStraight, flange, washer
Stat load<60 N/mm²
Dyn load<20 N/mm²
Sliding velocity1 m/sek
Moist. absorption<2-5%
Friction coeff<2-5%
Temperature-40 / +80ᴼC
VersionThreaded holders with BK1 or BK2 bushings
Stat load<250 N/mm²
Dyn load<140 N/mm²
Sliding velocity<2,5 m/sek
Friction coeff0,5%
Temperature-200 / +280ᴼC

5 different aluminum holders equipped with different kinds of sliding bearings.

Visit the page to find the right size that can handle the desired load.

Hard chrome-plated shafts SS 2142.
Sizes 16mm to 30mm. Shaft tolerance f7. Chrome layer 15 my. Surface finish RA max 0.20 my.

Bronze pipes JM1-15 / SS5204-15 and other alloys.
Solid and perforated round bar.
Sold in half and one meter lengths.

Find Information on the selection of bearings, load / speed mounting, lubrication mm.

Here you will find everything about our sliding bearings / bushings

Sliding bearings is a type of shaft bearing that can manage higher loads than for example ball bearings.
Among sliding bearings there are many choises depending on load, rpm and environment.

Thin-walled sliding bearings

Our slotted steel/PTFE greaseless sliding bearing is the most common type of sliding bearing that can manage high loads and an rpm around 2-3 dm/sec. As an option, you can have this bearing with acetal coating of type BK2, which can be suitable with edge loads and dirty environments where you wish to lubricate. In outdoor environments, our slotted bronze bushing with internal grease pockets (FB090) may be suitable. These manage relatively high loads and should be lubricated reguarly.

Sliding bearings of polyamide

Plastic/nylon bearings PA and PAF is an inexpensive simple type of bearing, but with precision adjustment like the other bearings. This is a good choice in applications with small forces, low rpm and non corrosion is a requirement. Polyamide absorb a relatively high amount moisture (8-10%). At high humidity this should be taken into consideration when choosing shaft tolerance. Polyamide bushings are greaseless, but initial lubrication and regular relubrication  reduces wear and friction. If the humidity is high and the shaft tolerance is already determined, our polyamide bearings can be ordered with added molybdenum disulphide. This option has two benefits; insegnificant mosture absorbtion and lower friction (longer life span). See bearings from IGUS and NYLONIT.

In addition we also have sintered bronze bushings that manage relatively high rpm, however low loads. Massive bronze bushing JR and JF manage higher loads but lower rpm than sintered bronze.
At extreme loads, for use in for example construction machines, our hardened sliding bearings of type CX and BGFR can be used. These require a surface hardness of minimum 60 HRC on the shaft and must be lubricated. Have a look at our page “Sliding bearings facts” in the menu below for further information about other sliding bearings .

We will gladly help you in choosing sliding bearings.